
Showing posts from March, 2025


  Alex passa un doigt dans son fromage blanc et le tendit vers Leandro. Amusé, celui-ci prit le doigt avec avidité et le suça plus que nécessaire. Entre eux, un regard de braise. Leandro mit en bouche une cuillère bombée de dessert, contourna la table, s'invita sur les cuisses d'Alex avec lequel, dans un baiser langoureux, il partagea son dessert.   Alex dipped a finger in his fromage blanc and held it out to Leandro. Amused, Leandro took the finger greedily and sucked on it more than necessary. A smoldering look passed between  them. Leandro put a heaped spoonful of dessert in his mouth, walked around the table, and invited himself onto Alex's lap, with whom, in a languid kiss, he shared his dessert       READ HERE


          Le soleil de plomb écrasait la forêt de Sainte-Atlantes. L'étendue verdoyante majestueuse couvrait les pans montagneux qui ceinturent la ville comme si elle était son enfant chérie. Elle subissait comme tous les êtres vivants de cette zone géographique un été de canicule qui épuisait les sols et les arbres. Les vieux hêtres, chênes sessiles et sapins pectinés disposaient encore de réserves. Par contre, les plus jeunes fatiguaient. Heureusement, l'épisode caniculaire allait s'interrompre en fin de semaine par une période orageuse passagère. (pour le suite, cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous)   The blazing sun was crushing the forest of Sainte-Atlantes. The majestic green expanse covered the mountainous slopes that surround the city as if it were its darling child. Like all living beings in this geographical area, it was suffering a summer of heatwave that was exhausting the soil and trees. The old beeches, sessile oaks and silver firs still had reserve...
  From now on, I give direct access to my writings, on my own space. It's free! Click the link on the left side and access three short (erotic) stories that I have written since last September. You will access the French and English versions. Everything is free: access, the writings.   With " The Muse ", you will be able to read " Do you remember Kibune? " in its entirety as well as a brand new creation that will immerse you in France in 1819, entitled " Shadow and Light ". I insist for the absent-minded: it is explicitly erotic. Happy reading! DI


 Hello, First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is David. It's my real first name. My last name is a pen name: "Inutookaminoma", romanization of イヌトオカミノマ, which means something like "between Dog and Wolf". That's exactly where I am...😀 I've always written. My first writings were erotic. I've always loved it. Writing is a real pleasure. Now, my erotic writings almost exclusively tell of encounters between men, most often young men. They are quite raw... but always romanticized. There is always a backstory. To get started, I invite you to read my first short story, written last year, published in episodes every week. Click on the link "The Muse" (French or English version). I translate my writings into English based on my knowledge and a translator. So far, no English native has insulted me... 😅 , so I can deduce that it's not too bad. In any case, I wish you a good read. DI